Improve My Strengths


"I think to win you need to be your biggest fan. You need to focus on your strengths."  Gary Vaynerchuk

Throughout your life, you have probably been told you should work on your weaknesses and improve your skills in areas where you did not thrive.

“Hands down, that may be the biggest lie we’ve ever been told. At the end of the day, all this does is rob you of your confidence,” says Dean Graziosi, New York Times best selling author and one of the world’s top motivation trainers.

Instead, he advocates focusing all your time and energy on becoming amazing at the things you’ve already identified you’re good at. “Your success depends on...improving what you’re already good at to the point of greatness."

With that in mind, the purpose of these pages that focus on content related to your top two strengths is to help you to improve those strengths even further.